Smuggler’s Cove by Catherine Wilson is mysterious, moody and atmospheric.
The intervals of fifths in the left hand and use of the pedal (held throughout) help create the evocative atmosphere.
Instrument: Piano Solo
Approximate difficulty level: Grade Initial - 1 / Elementary
Key: E natural minor
Time signature:4/4
Features: Use of intervals of 5ths throughout in left hand, pedal held throughout, both hands play an octave higher for second half
Focus: Maintaining 5 - note hand position with an F# under 2nd finger in right hand, building confidence of interval recognition, ‘copying and pasting’ hand position an octave higher in both hands
Also available as part of the High Seas Collection
Smuggler's Cove (Studio License)
This entitles you to print and use as many copies as you need for use by your students within your studio
Available here